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    Employee Health Wellness Initiatives | Understanding The Key Nuances

    The prevalence of sedentary behaviour among office workers is a matter of concern. Whether employees are working remotely or in an office setting, there is a noticeable rise in sedentary behaviours and a decline in physical activity. The 9-to-5 work routine is standard worldwide, where people are often desk-bound from the moment they enter the […] More

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    Best Apps for Food Tracking

    06 Nov, 2023 Optifast Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tips app for dieting, apps, calories check, count calories, diet app, food, food app, food tracking, Medical Weight Loss, weight loss program Smartphones have created many convenient ways to automate our lives and keep track of information. In recent years, people are leveraging their cell phone to […] More

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    Obesity and a Toxic Food Environment 

    Implausible explanations for the obesity epidemic serve the needs of food manufacturers and marketers more than public health and an interest in truth. When it comes to uncovering the root causes of the obesity epidemic, there appears to be manufactured confusion, “with major studies reasserting that the causes of obesity are ‘extremely complex’ and ‘fiendishly […] More

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    Comprehensive Wellness Program | A Complete Guide For Businesses

    A comprehensive wellness program goes beyond physical health. It aims to enhance the overall well-being of employees. In the competitive and dynamic corporate world, a robust employee wellness program is vital in retaining a happy talent pool. Most employees prefer to continue working with organisations that prioritise their well-being. By investing in wellness initiatives, organisations […] More

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    Why Health And Wellness Matter For Employees

    The corporate world is characterised by hectic schedules, prolonged sitting, and quick meals during meetings. Prioritising employee health and wellness is a priority. Short, tight deadlines leave little room for personal time, causing employees to overlook their lack of physical activity. As a result, increasing the likelihood of conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and […] More

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    Be Wiser, Eat Wiser with Optifast

    How grazing, grabbing, gulping and gorging can bring you farther away from meeting your weight loss goals.  There are a collection of poor eating habits commonly engaged in that will often lead to weight gain. These habits are generally mindless, meaning they are frequently done without much thought. Constant snacking, serving oversized portions and downing […] More

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    Eat Quinoa and Lower Triglycerides?

    How do the nutrition and health effects of quinoa compare to other whole grains? “Approximately 90% of the world’s calories are provided by less than one percent of the known 250,000 edible plant species.” The big three are wheat, corn, and rice, and our reliance on them may be unsustainable, given the ongoing climate crisis. […] More

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    Top 14 Health And Wellness Tips For Employees

    Improving employee well-being not only boosts productivity but positively impacts a company’s financial performance. It also plays a crucial role in fostering individual happiness and job satisfaction. A practical approach for companies in this regard involves sharing health and wellness tips among their workforce. Sharing health tips is an easy way to put wellness information […] More

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    Using Optifast to Build your Confidence

    There is an old saying that confidence is something people are born with. This just isn’t true. Self-confidence is something that has to be nurtured and cared for. It stems out of underlying appreciation for yourself, and the acknowledgement that you deserve positive things to happen in your life. Unfortunately, confidence is something that many […] More

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    How to Treat High Lp(a), an Atherosclerosis Risk Factor 

    What could help explain severe coronary disease in someone with a healthy lifestyle who is considered to be at low cardiovascular disease risk? A young man ended up in the ER after a heart attack and was ultimately found to have severe coronary artery disease. Given his age, blood pressure, and cholesterol, his ten-year risk […] More

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